I begin my five mile walk through the park in this garden for a couple of reasons, one because it is so beautiful and two - it is an easy place to meet others that want to walk with me. The walk itself is quite breath taking as you have the lush forest, water views, glimpses of wildlife and as you pass the zoo, chances are great that you will be able to spot a few Caribou, Peacocks, and the others that are playing outside at the moment.
I love this walk and recommend it to all. I would rate it as moderate. There are not many hills as long as you stay on the drive. The other bonus, on weekends they don't allow the vehicles to drive it until about noon.
The farmer's market focus this week was actually the "Taste of Tacoma" which was a perfect match for my walk because it is held in the Point Defiance Park. This is an annual event that I have been attending off and on for about 20 years! My family visits from Las Vegas during our cool summer months and this was one of the highlights.
This shot was taken at 10:45 in the morning and the "Taste" didn't even officially start until 11!
So much food to choose from and the number one item that I saw being consumed was the foot long hot dog!! Go figure - it's America!!
Korean Tacos .... they actually looked quite yummy.
This "Blues Band" was the mornings attraction - people were setting up their party sites by 9am. What a fun way to spend your Saturday.
This Colossal Sundae stand looks quiet right now but by the time I finished my walk and the sun came out in full force - it was packed. When they say colossal - they mean HUGE. It was so fun to see the kids figuring out their plan of attack on this once in a lifetime dessert.
The event was blessed with beautiful weather and lots and lots of people. It really made for an interesting walk and subject to report on. Next week - I will be in Gig Harbor ..... See you then, Cyn.